ox – pak li se pochwa s ownite??? – ох, пак ли се почва с овните?

WOW! BP Welcome!- I added this game, Nitrous Racing.You’d definitely like it! http://mynitrous.com/r.php?r=lm&uid=1084960378&key=cbd00140&cid=4

PUT some join links in notes, it helps a lot dude! 😀

Join as fr send me- then use THIS-> no need of invites 😀 http://apps.facebook.com/drinkingwars/Connection/Accept/1084960378 Join мy team, level 320+ 🙂 Accept All join my team, send some more team mates as friends suggestion 😉 I will send as well… 🙂 I play motto,space, war and bp as well thanx http://city.zvezdev.net/sec 🙂 I am the mere there 😀 if I can help you in some way, just let me know- have FUN! need a bounty, ask me! all invites are mostly welcome, I am permanently out of-if you know how, join me! 🙂 here is the link for NO invites NEEDED – only friendship Georgi JOIN his circle. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1056713228
Join my alliance. http://apps.facebook.com/ageofchivalry/join/1084960378 ENJOY!

Alex Zvezdev

coffee at omv viva and dw gaming by wi-fi, I did call Nadia в събота изчисти <- ox – pak li se pochwa s ownite??? – ох, пак ли се почва с овните?
Вечно, и ВИНАГИ с рогата напред???

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